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Part I Reading Comprehension (30%)

Direction: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage 1

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

A little boy in South Carolina got to celebrate his birthday twice: After only one friend showed up to his birthday party, the local fire department decided to throw

him another on.

The City of Beaufort Fire Department shared the story of a party the fire department held for a local boy named Cooper, who was disappointed when only one of his classmates showed up to his 6th birthday party. But after a community member gave the local fire department a call, (76) the members were quick to come to hisrescue.

“We jumped on board and said we’ll do whatever we can to make sure he has a great birthday and that more than one child shows up,” Beaufort firefighter Ross Vezinsays. “ Wemade arrangements to pick him up from school along with his mom and brother, and we brought him to abowlingalley(保齡球場(chǎng)) alongwitha biker group”The fire department was also able to bring nearly 75 other kids from school to celebrate alongside Cooper, whose mother, NicoalaShiflet, said he has difficulty making friends because he suffers from autism( 自 閉 癥 )“ They had cake and presents and got to do some bowling,” Vezin continues, adding that the party came to be known as ”Coopers Birthday 2.0”.

From riding in a fire truck to seeing the motorcycles from the biker group and evening welcomed by so many new friends, Cooper loved his celebration. And it won’t be the last time that the little boy gets to hang out with the fire department responsible for it “we’re also going to have him up next week, ” Vezin says. ” We’re going to give him a fire department T-shirt and a tour of our fire station.”

1.Who did the most to make Cooper’s second birthday party a greatsuccess?

A.Firefighters from Beaufort FireDepartment.

B.Men from the bikergroup.

C.Community members.


2.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to thepassage

A.About 75 kids showed up at Cooper’s second birthdayparty.

B.Cooper’s mother and brother were at his second birthdayparty.

C.Those joining the second birthday party did somebowling.

D.Cooper got a T-shirt from the fire department at his second birthdayparty.

3.The phrase have him up in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to

A.invite him as aguest

B.meet him bychance

C.take care of him

D.make friends withhim

4.Only one kid went to Cooper’s first birthdaypartybecause .

A.Cooper was not good at makingfriends.

B.other kids were busy with their classesthen.

C.Cooper liked to play with grown-ups.

D.Cooper didn’t invite hisclassmate.

5.We learn from the passage thatCooperwas the second birthdayparty.

A.disappointedwith B. satisfiedwith

C.frightenedby D. angryabout

Passage 2

Question 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon. The spacesuit Armstrong wore on his mission has come to symbolize courage and human achievement. In 1971, the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum (NASM)acquired Armstrong’s suit It


“Over time, the suit started to show signs of deterioration(變 壞 ).”Lisa Young says. She worksat NASM and her job is to preserve historical and cultural treasures.

Plastics are tricky to preserve. They tend to degrade(降解)over time. Neoprene is one type of plastic in Armstrong s suit. The material can tum brittle and break into tiny Pieces. (77) Thiswould ruin the spacesuit, NASM, seeking ways to preserve this historical treasure, removed it from display in2006.

Yet history can still be saved. Sunlight, water, humidity, and dust can cause plastics to degrade, Scientists have found that storing plastics in cooler temperatures, with lower humidity levels, can slow degradation. Young says Armstrong’s suit is currently in storage at a temperature of 63 ° F and a lower relative humidity of 30%. These conditions will be maintained when Armstrong’ssuitreturnstoamuseumdisplaycaseintimeforthisyear’s50thanniversary(周年紀(jì)念日) ofthemoonlanding.

Plastic degradation affects art, too, Artist Claes Oldenburg created False Food Selection in 1906. (78)It consists of plastic food displayed in a wooden box. The plastic food used to look real. Now, some of it has flattened and yellowed. The artwork’s wooden box produces an acidic gas that eats away at the plastic, which speeds up the degradation process. But Young is motivated to preserve this artwork and others like it. “Plastics are a part of our history, “she says. ” it’s important to preserve them so that future generations can understand the journey we’vetaken.”

6.Which of the following is the best title for thepassage?

A. Landing ontheMoon B. PreservingPlastics

C. NeilArmstrong’s Spacesuit D. Application ofPlastics

7.The word brittle in Paragraph 2probablymeans .

A.wellestablished B. heavilyloaded

C.easily upset D. easilybroken

8.In 2006, NASM removed Armstrong’s spacesuit fromdisplayto .

A. put itonsale B. return it toArmstrong

C. give it toanothermuseum D. look for ways to preserveit

9.In Claes Oldenburg’s False Food Selection, thewoodenbox the plasticdegradation.

A.slowsdown B. leadsto

C.accelerates D. doesn’t play any rolein

10.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOTTRUE?

A.Sunlight, water and dust contribute to plasticdegradation.

B.Armstrong’s spacesuit is currently on public display atNASM.

C.NASM acquired Armstrong’s spacesuit in1971.

D.Claes Oldenburg is anartist.


Question 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:

There was once a tree in South Africa so wide that it could fit 60 people inside its hollow trunk. The tree reached 62 feet into the sky. It was more than 1, 100 years old. But recently, that tree and others like it have died. (79) Scientists are wondering why.

The tree was a baobab. A baobab looks like a giant oak(橡樹)turned upside down It ’ s branches resemble roots reaching toward the sky. It grows in Africa and is called the Tree of Life. Baobab trees tend to live a long time. One of the oldest stood for more than 2.400 years. Various baobabs have been used as a shop, a prison, a house, and a bus shelter.

In 2005, scientists began a survey to determine the age of more than 60 baobabs (80) Duringthe process, they noticed that several of the trees had died.Their results.recently published in Nature Plants, show that nine of the 13 oldest baobab trees and five out of six of the largest died in the 12-year study period.
Stephan Woodborne conducted the baobab study with six other scientists. They say more research is needed to know why the trees died, but they think climate change may be to blame. That’s because the trees showed no evidence of disease. Plus.many were in national parks, so they would have been protected from human harm. Also, Woodborne says, the most affected baobabs are on the outer edge of their ideal habitat ( 棲 息 地 ). Increasing heat and shifting rainy seasons have made it harder for baobabs in these areas to thrive.

Smaller and younger baobabs are dying too. “The big ones and the old ones caught attention ofthe media,Woodbornesays. “But it’snotjustthose It’sunprecedented (空前的) that they should be dying across the age spectrum. We’ve got to do a reality check on our own footprints in termsof the way we live our lives. If we all changed what we did a little bit. it would start to make a difference.”

11.Which of the following is the best title for thepassage?

A. Die-off ofAfrica’s Baobabs B. National Parks inAfrica

C. AfricanRainySeasons D. Strange-lookingBaobabs

12.The baobabstudylasted .

A.6years B.9years

C.12years D. 13years

13.According to Stephan Woodborne, the baobab trees died mainlybecauseof .

A.humandamage B. disease

C.climatechange D. the attack ofinsects

14.The word spectrum in the last paragraph is closest inmeaningto .

A.point B. range

C. edge D. team

15.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOTTRUE?

A.Further research is needed to know why the Baobabsdied.

B.Baobab trees can live a longtime.

C.The researchers found that only old baobab treesdied.

D.The baobab study Involved more than 60baobabs.

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (30%)

Directions: in this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the AnswerSheet.

16.Becoming American citizen takes a lot ofwork.

A./ B.an C. a D. the

17.She was the only member ofherfamily spokeEnglish.

A.that B.whom C.what D. which

18. he walked, he looked carefully at the ice in front ofhim.

A.If B.As C.Since D.Whether

19.At about twelve o’clock, themandecided to eat his lunch.

A. being stopped B. stopping C. to be stopped D. to stop

20.He threw stones at the birds but couldnothit .

A.him B.her C.it D. them

21.Peter is going toalake he can fish with his friends.

A. which B.here C.where D. there

22.They into the dormitoryalready.

A. have moved B.moving C.move D. havingmoved

23.Everyone is getting old, butyoulook thanever.

A.younger B.youngest C. the youngest D.young

24.—— Do you enjoy your presentjob?
—— . I just do it for aliving.

A. Of course B.Notreally C.Notlikely D. Not alittle

25.They have arrived at lunchtime but their flight wasdelayed.

A.will B.can C.must D. should

26.After dinner the minister madeashort to theguests.

A. delivery B. speech C. pronunciation D. conversation

27.Jean is one of those modern girlswhoalways the latestfashions.

A. put up with B. come up with C. keep up with D. get along with

28.The room was so quiet that she couldhearthe of her heart.

A.hitting B.beating C.tapping D. knocking

29.Thiswatchis to all the other watches in thestore.

A.superior B.advantages C.super D. beneficial

30.The of the valley was verywet.

A.head B.basis C.top D.bottom

31.Thesun in theeast.

A.rises B.raises C. increases D.goes

32.When you have kids, you won’t have time to go toparties

A. further B.stillmore C. anymore D. nomore

33.Theyhidthemselves atree.

A.off B.after C.behind D. before

34.The protestswere not to NewYork.

A.balanced B.ended C.limited D. attended

35.He has never recoveredfromthe of his brother’sdeath.

A.aim B. shock C.plan D. opinion

36.Ifyou smoke, please gooutside.

A.can B.should C.must D. may

37.The police officers in our cityworkhard the rest of us can live a safelife.

A.in case B.asif C. inorderthat D. onlyif

38.Nomatterhow , it is not necessarilylifeless.

A. a desert maybedry B. dry may a desertbe

C. may a desertbedry D. dry a desert maybe

39.The girl glanced over her shoulder andfoundherself by a young man inblack.

A.wasfollowed B. had beenfollowed

C.following D. followed

40.They made a great effort to preparetheexhibition, to achieve a bigsuccess.

A.hoped B.hoping C.tohope D. hope

41.I have been looking for this book for severalweeks,and I have foundit.

A.atleast B. innotime C.atlast D. atpresent

42.Thousandsofpeople thefuneral.

A.cared B.attended C.devoted D. appeared

43.I’m afraid youhaveno but to come along withus.

A.possibility B.permission C.choice D. selection

44.The old man gotintothe of storing money under thebed.

A.habit B.tradition C.use D. custom

45.Sheisso that she cried for days when her pet catdied.

A.sensible B.sensitive C.imaginative D. impressive Part III Identification(10%)

46.The new stadium being built (A) for the next Asian Games will be (B) three times as bigger (C) as the present (D)one.

47.After (A) the long journey, the three of (B) them went back (C) home, hungry and tiredly(D).

48.Surprising (A) and happy, Tony stood (B) up and accepted (C) the prize(D).

49.Wetried (A) hard, and eventually (B), we were (C) able to get Mike lent (D) us his car just for aday.

50.He doesn’t want (A) to spend many (B) timeshopping (C) in (D) NewYork.

51.If he (A) were more experienced (B), I will (C) vote for (D)him.

52.Taking a train (A) is most (B) comfortable than (C) taking an (D)airplane.

53.I used to swam (A) in high school (B), but I don’t have (C) time now(D).

54.I hope (A) the weather (B) must (C) be sunny (D)Friday.

55.Jim sold (A) most of his things (B). He has hardly nothing (C) left in (D) thehouse.

Part IV Cloze

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for each blank there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D at the end of the passage. You should choose ONE answer that best fits intothe passage. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

In the summer of 1838, John Wannamaker was born in Philadelphia. His father was a brick-maker. Whenever he was not 56 school, John was engaged in turning bricks which were laid in the sun to 57 . Thus, the quality of working 58 was instilled (灌輸) into the young man. 59 his own diligence, he later became the merchant prince of Philadelphia. A few years later, school was 60 and he worked in a store four miles away 61 his home. He walked eight miles every day, going to work in the morning and 62 back home in the evening. He 63 only $1.25 for the entire week’ work. Afterwards he was 64 as a clerk in a law office, and later he worked in a clothing store at a 65 of $1.50 per week. Here he seemed to find the calling 66 suited his taste, and he developed a pleasing disposition (性格 ). People 67 to trade with the young clerk. It was not long 68 he was called to responsible positions. In 1861, he already saved several hundred dollars. As he had 69 a reputation for honesty and ability, he was able to start in business on his own account. This firm of Wannamaker & Brown was situated 70 the corner of Sixth and Market streets. As the business 71 , other stores were opened. John Wannamaker, the poor clerk—after a 72 of twenty years of hard work, pushed by energy, controlled a force of 6,000 employees. Not only did the firm handle clothing, but also articles that could be generally 73 in retail (零售) stores. The secret of his great success is his tireless diligence, and a 74 mastery of his business. He was one of the most successful merchants in history who were extremely good at thinking of new business ideas and 75 them successful.

56. A. at B. with C. for D. about

57. A. work B. see C. fly D. dry

58. A. quite B. hard C. shortly D. easily

59. A. Beyond B. Along C. By D. In

60. A. absorbed B. announced C. abandoned D. advanced

61. A. for B. through C. with D. from

62. A. coming B. came C. leaving D. left

63. A. captured B. received C. combined D. returned

64. A. employed B. consumed C. followed D. displayed

65. A. service B. number C. salary D. course

66. A. where B. which C. when D. what

67. A. worried B. hated C. permitted D. liked

68. A. although B. after C. because D. before

69. A. earned B. reached C. pushed D. repaired

70. A. above B. below C. at D. with

71. A. followed B. divided C. increased D. dropped

72. A. justice B. period C. recall D. misery

73. A. visited B. caught C. produced D. found

74. A. thorough B. public C. normal D. recent

75. A. put B. made C. putting D. making

Part V Translation

Section A

Directions: In this part there are five sentences which you should translate into Chinese. These sentences are all taken from the 3 passages you have just read in Reading Comprehension. You can refer back to the passages to identify their meanings in the context.

76. The members were quick to come to his rescue.

77. This would ruin the spacesuit.

78. It consists of plastic food dis played in a wooden box.

79. Scientists are wondering why.

80. During the process, they noticed that several of the trees had died.

Section B

Directions: In this part there are five sentences in Chinese. You should translate them into English. Be sure to write clearly.

81. 這部電影值得看。

82. 他每天做公共汽車上班。

83. 整個(gè)早晨我都在打籃球。

84. 飛機(jī)馬上就要起飛了。

85. 今天比昨天熱的多。


Part 1 閱讀理解


1.A. Firefighters from Beaufort Fire Department. 2.D. Cooper got a T-shirt from the fire department at his second birthday party. 3.A. invite him as a guest

4. A. Cooper was not good at making friends

5. B. satisfied with

6-10 BDDCB

6. B. Preserving Plastic

7. D. easily broken

8. D. look for ways to preserve it

9. C. accelerate

10. B. Armstrong’s spacesuit is currently on public display at NASM. 11-15


11. A. Die-off of Africa’s Baobabs

12. C. 12 years

13. C. climate change

14. B. range

15. C. The researchers found that only old baobab trees died.
Part 2 詞匯與結(jié)構(gòu)

16-20 B. an A. that B. as D. to stop D. them

21-25 C. where A. have moved A. younger B. Not really D should

26-30 B. speech C. keep up with B. beating A. superior A. head

31-35: A rises C anymore C behind C limited B shock

36-40: C must C in order that D dry a desert may be D followed B hoping

41-45: C at last B attended C choice A habit B sensitive

Part 3 挑錯(cuò)

46-50 C. bigger D. tiredly A. surprising D. lent B. many

51-55 C. will B. most A. swam C. must D. nothing.

Part 4 完形填空

56-60 A. at D. dry B. hard C. By C. abandoned

61-65 D. from A. coming B. received A. employed C. salary

66-70 B. which D. liked D. before A. earned C. at

71-75 C. increased B. period D. found A. thorough D. making

Part 5 翻譯

Section A

76. The members were quick to come to his rescue. 成員們很快就來(lái)營(yíng)救他。

77. This would ruin the spacesuit. 這會(huì)毀了宇航服。

78. It consists of plastic food dis played in a wooden box.它由裝在木箱里的塑料食品組成。

79. Scientists are wondering why. 科學(xué)家想知道為什么。

80. During the process, they noticed that several of the trees had died. 在這個(gè)過(guò)程中,他們發(fā)現(xiàn)有幾棵樹死了。

Section B

81. 這部電影值得看。

The film is worth seeing. 8

82. 他每天做公共汽車上班。

He goes to work by bus every day.

83. 整個(gè)早晨我都在打籃球。

I’ve been playing basketball all the morning.

84. 飛機(jī)馬上就要起飛了。

The plane is about to take off.

85. 今天比昨天熱的多。

It’s much hotter today than yesterday.




























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