2023-06-03 15:25:41 來源:中國教育在線
Do clothes make a man?
I do strongly support the statement that people behave differently when they wear different clothes.In other words,different clothes influence the way people behave.
Some small examples may give some light to the point.I usually find that those who wear suits and tie behave invariably the same in general.They probably look selfconfident,genteel and intelligent,although most of them do not really have thesecharacteristics.So,what I want to emphasize here is that clothes work as a symbol today and people wear them would act like what the clothes impersonate without being aware of it.We all have the experience that when we wear a T-shirt and jeans we feel vigorous and act like a 16-yaer-old boy.
On the other hand,we tend to wear clothes that are appropriate for the environment.When people go for a job interview,men will usually wear nice suits and tie,while women will usually wear fine lady's garments.Because people understand that"clothes make a man",and nice clothes can increase their chances of getting that job.
To take this idea further,with the help of different clothes,we can behave a way that is different from what we usual look like.For example,when a serious person who has a frustrating job takes a picnic outdoors,he will dress casually in order to remind himself that he needs to relax for this occasion.Another interesting example is that we can sometimes see from movies that a serious woman who has a formal job in an office wearing a sexy underwear and dance like a stripper at night in order to seduce her husband.
So,as we can see,people really behave differently when they wear different clothes.So why not slip into casual clothes and give yourself a break right now?
Are quick decisions always wrong?
I agree with the statements that the decisions that people make quickly are always wrong.Those quick decisions that people make are like bids in a gambling.Even if they have a chance to win,they are still losers theoretically.
People should never make quick decisions without fully considering the factors that are influencing their decisions and the consequences of different decisions.
When people make hasty decisions,they rarely care anything about the situation.Situation is a very important factor in making a right decision.Different decisions lead to different results,so it is very important to make a decision carefully.People who make quick decisions do not have time to look around and carefully analyze the consequencesresulted by different decisions.
Secondly,there is a popular belief that people should decide quickly in order to catch opportunities.Unfortunately,that notion is completely wrong.If you made a quick decision without thinking carefully,how could you be able to catch the opportunities?"Chance favors the prepared mind,"as a famous saying goes.Only when you have fully prepared,can you really grab a good opportunity when time come.Otherwise the chance that you take hastily may result in a failure.
Thirdly,even if you can quickly analyze the situation based on the facts that are provided to you at the time that you make a decision,since you do not have enough time to verify the validity of those information,the information could be wrong,which could leads to wrong decisions.Even the president of the United States can make this kind of mistake.Mr.Bush made a decision to start the War on Iraq based on the false information that his subordinates provided to him,which claims that Iraq has dangerous biochemical weapons.Maybe someday history will prove that the decision to start the War was wrong.
Life is not a lottery.Life is a stock market.Only when you make careful decisions based on thorough analysis,can you win.If you make quick decisions,chances are that these decisions will happen to be wrong,and you may lose everything down to your underwear.
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