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2023-05-20 13:39:48 來源:中國教育在線



Big city or countryside, which is better for children to grow up in?

It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.


看到這道題目不要隨便站隊,否則就會中陷阱。這道題目的陷阱在于給出的觀點無論單選哪一邊都是比較片面的,而且也不符合常理。大家需要明確一個觀點也就是地點并不是影響孩子成長的唯一因素,也不是眾多因素中最重要的因素。之后大家可以再具體展開,羅列一些生活在城市和鄉(xiāng)村各自的優(yōu)缺點。比如還有一個比較特別的寫法思路是用一系列“不一定”的事實來反駁題目中觀點,比如:在鄉(xiāng)村長大的孩子不一定比在城市長大的孩子淳樸(honest; simple; simple sentiments);在鄉(xiāng)村長大的孩子不一定比在城市長大的孩子健康(healthy)。另外大家也可以從兒童不同的階段有不同的選擇來寫,比如學齡前兒童或是小學生在哪里都無所謂,但到了初中高中以后就可能在大城市更好一點,因為教育資源可能會更好。


Having grown up in the country myself, I can say without a doubt that I want my own children to grow up in the city. Life in the city is incomparably better for children than life in the country. The city has better schools, health care, jobs, and more exposure to the outside world. The two most important things in any child's life are health and education. In the country, if children get sick, there are no good hospitals to take them to. Families are often so poor that they can't afford to send all of their children to school, and the schools are usually of low quality anyway. In the cities, on the other hand, health care facilities and schools are of excellent quality.

Children from cities also have a much higher chance of getting into excellent universities. City universities have large numbers of spaces reserved for local residents while they have relatively fewer spaces for students from the countryside. If I want my child to have a good chance of getting into a good university, I would raise them in a city.

City salaries are significantly higher than salaries in the country. Jobs in the city are also much easier, on average, than jobs in the country. A worker in the country might spend 14 hours a day laboring outdoors in the fields and make much less money per month than the city worker who typically works only eight hours a day. I want my child to grow up and get a good, high-paying job. A better place to find those jobs is in a city.

Finally, I want my children to grow up into a world that is larger than just their immediate surroundings. In a city they will have a chance to meet people from all over the country and all over the world. They will have chances to absorb history and culture from the cities parks, theatres, and museums. Only in the city will they have the chance to be truly global citizens.



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